Thursday, March 31, 2016

Weekly blog for March 28

We are over half way done with this semester, crazy right! We were just wondering what everyone has learned up to this point in the semester that you believe to be important to helping students succeed? Is there anything that has surprised you most about taking this class? Is there anything you would change about the class? Is there any advice you can give your fellow classmates to help them improve their skills and learning? 


  1. I have learned a lot about having options in the classroom to help students learn. I learned how important it is to make sure you know the strengths and weaknesses of everyone in your classroom.

  2. I started this class with absolutely no expectations and no idea what to think. However, I've learned so much information about signing and ASL, which I learned the first night class they were two different languages and ways to sign. Each night class I learn a lot of information, even down to little things like the above example. This class has made me open my eyes and really learn new techniques when around someone who is deaf or hard of hearing. I would suggest to offer more assignments to get more points in the book.

  3. I think that the most important thing that we have learned is that everyone is different and makes different lifestyle and educational choices. It is our job to work with these students and help them succeed in whatever they choose to do instead of trying to change them or force them to do what we think is right. There are many different options and what is best for a child depends on that individual child and what they desire.

  4. One of the biggest takeaways I have had from this class is just that fact that all children and families have different needs. The number of options that they can choose from is so great, and it is our job as Teacher of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing to guide them and really inform them of all the options they have. This class has taught me so much information that I didn't even know existed before starting this class. From this class, I am more and more excited to start my career as a deaf and hard of hearing teacher.

  5. The exit slips and student posts on the blog are so helpful for me as an instructor. I believe the reflection and seeing what each other is learning can be a great learning experience for each of you as well - I least I hope so. Reading these posts makes me even more excited about the future of Deaf Education!

  6. As strange as it may seem, the thing that has helped me the most is the comments and questions other students ask. Sometimes the students ask things I would have never thought of asking. When this happens it helps me see different opinions and answers to differnt types of questions.

  7. I've learned a lot from this class and made a lot of connections from this class to other classes, it's hard to pinpoint just one thing that I consider most important. But if if I have to, I would say the most important thing I've learned is how its so important to understand your students. How they learn, what communication method they use, why they are Deaf or Hard of Hearing, how they identify themselves, etc. Just how to understand them as learners so they succeed not just in your class but in all classes.

  8. I've learned a lot from this class and made a lot of connections from this class to other classes, it's hard to pinpoint just one thing that I consider most important. But if if I have to, I would say the most important thing I've learned is how its so important to understand your students. How they learn, what communication method they use, why they are Deaf or Hard of Hearing, how they identify themselves, etc. Just how to understand them as learners so they succeed not just in your class but in all classes.

  9. So glad you shared this!!! Students' questions are so very important. Finding ways to create meaningful opportunities for students to engage and learn with and from one other is often challenging. Yet, when those occur and students take full advantage the learning is unparalleled.

  10. So glad you shared this!!! Students' questions are so very important. Finding ways to create meaningful opportunities for students to engage and learn with and from one other is often challenging. Yet, when those occur and students take full advantage the learning is unparalleled.

  11. I was most surprised by the possible ways to combine different communication modes and schooling options

  12. I think the most important thing that I have learned is options, options, options!
    No one child is the same and we must approach a method of learning with that in mind. There are so many ways to connect to a child and having all of these options makes it possible to get to know a child on a personal level and impact them in the best way possible

  13. I have learned a lot this semester considering I have never taken a deaf and hard of hearing class. I've learned how there are many different options to teach in the class room. I've learned many different techniques to use, I have learned all the different languages to deaf and hard of hearing. It's amazing all of the things that I have learned.

  14. Communication is a priority. Establishing a language is an essential part of learning and allowing the individual to communicate expressively and receptively. As I would expect, the family plays a key role. The parent/caregivers make the choice of method of communication if the hearing loss is identified at a very young age. This is a choice that will impact the child immediately and long term. It was surprising to me that many times the child has no say in the way they will communicate or their language of choice. The shortage of teachers and early interventionists also surprised me.
    It is a personal preference, but I would prefer classes that meet twice a week rather than one night class. It gives me time to reflect on more parts of the lesson. I would have preferred more direct experience with students.
    More direct experience in classrooms with students who are deaf may improve all of our skills and learning.

  15. I'm not in the education program and so this is my first education class. I've been in school and around teachers for most of my life and learning how these things work is really eye opening. What teachers have in mind when they teach and how they do so is really cool. However it has also taught me about deaf education, something I have never been exposed to. The thing I like most about this class is how active everyone is during class time. I love hearing other peoples opinions and experiences, being able to debate with these opinions is extremely helpful in being able to see other peoples point of view.

  16. I have learned so much from Ms. White and her SED 337 class. I have enjoyed every moment of leaning in this class because it is really helping me to develop new techniques and skills that are necessary to teaching my deaf/hard of hearing students. I really aspire to be a great teacher and the only thing that matters to me most is that they learn as much as they possibly can while I am their teacher. I have learned that everything needs to be fair and equal with respect to the hearing students because there has been reports that some deaf/hard of hearing students may be learning at a level under hearing students. I do not want this to be the case in my class so I will take on the effort of keeping my class fair and accurate.

  17. I have really enjoyed this class so far! I love how we use Deaf culture with the lessons and all of the guest speakers that give us different perspectives. Clyde's presentation still sticks out to me as for how we need English and ASL instruction together. I always knew that ASL and English were complete different languages, but I didn't think about needing to use the languages together for a Deaf student to understand.

  18. Something I really enjoy about this class is that we really do learn from one another. Although I get information from Mrs.White and the textbook, I think I learn most from my classmates and the questions and comments they make during class.

  19. I have learned A LOT about how different children learn in different techniques, as well as different types of learning environments. I have learned that there is no fundamentally bound way to teach children, every child learns differently in their own way. Classes are clear and concise; I think my favorite part about what we have done in class would be having the opportunity to have an outside experience at KSD and meet people that are apart of the Deaf world

  20. I have learned A LOT about how different children learn in different techniques, as well as different types of learning environments. I have learned that there is no fundamentally bound way to teach children, every child learns differently in their own way. Classes are clear and concise; I think my favorite part about what we have done in class would be having the opportunity to have an outside experience at KSD and meet people that are apart of the Deaf world

  21. I have learned a lot when it comes to students and new learning techniques. It is really important to know what each child needs in the classroom. It's important to know what can help a child succeed. Each child learns differently so it is important for the teacher to put in the extra work to accommodate the child

  22. I know this was posted last week, but I would love to comment now after a great night last night! First of all, I've learned the different signing techniques (ASL, SimCom..etc.) I wasn't completely familiar with ASL but I never knew there were ways around ASL. Another thing I have learned is that even with my disability, the subject/situation/circumstances goes in greater depth that I need to be open minded in that area. This course has definitely helped in opening that. Lastly, last night was great! I loved the activity that we were able to participate in and the activity example that was shown. This is something I will be doing with my own children (one is already in school), and my future students!

  23. One thing that I have internalized from this class is that it is so important to do whatever is necessary to reach the learner. Whether that means changing the teaching style, lesson format, etc. The learner is what is most important, so being willing as a teacher to go the extra mile is very important.

  24. From being in this class I have learned how different each persons situation is. We have to be able to accommodate and figure out the best way to help our students be successful. I also learned how important it is to teach both English and ASL so that students are able to gain cognitive skills.

  25. I have learned to try a different milkshake! Basically, I have learned that students that are d/Deaf or hard of hearing are different in personalities and learning. I have learned the different ways of communications and what cognition is made up of. For changes inside the classroom, I would prefer stand up activities toward the end of class and perhaps have a break in between during class time to stretch, get a drink of water, and get our blood circulating.
