Thursday, March 31, 2016

Weekly blog for March 28

We are over half way done with this semester, crazy right! We were just wondering what everyone has learned up to this point in the semester that you believe to be important to helping students succeed? Is there anything that has surprised you most about taking this class? Is there anything you would change about the class? Is there any advice you can give your fellow classmates to help them improve their skills and learning? 

Saturday, March 26, 2016

We'll End This Way Monday

Check out @gatesed's Tweet:

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Weekly discussion

I'm curious what you all thougt of the videos we watched and the presentations we saw from our peers. I learned a lot of new information and saw things from different perspectives. Which video and presentation spoke to you the most? What did you learn? I am continually learning that with deafness there is no panacea and there is not one way to approach deafness. Is this similar to all of you?

Thursday, March 10, 2016

What is SimCom, Simultaneous Communication

Perhaps this visual will assist you with beginning to see the difference between communicating with ASL or SimCom. 


Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Thoughts on Guest Speakers

Hey guys! This past Monday we had two guest speakers, Matt and Jena. Towards the end of the discussion we talked about SimCom. Jena used SimCom for her entire presentation. I would like to know everyone's opinion about SimCom. For those of you that don't know what SimCom is, what do you think it means. Do you think it can be used properly? What were your opinions on SimCom before we met Jena? Have your opinions changed? I would also like to know what all of you learned most from our guest speakers. Did you learn something new? Any perceptions you had change because of the speakers? I cant wait to see all of your responses! I really enjoyed our presenters and their point of views. I know that I personally had some changes of perception. :)

Monday, March 7, 2016

response to weekly post

I was genuinely surprised to learn how many deaf kids were not in the program. I feel like there should be more support for deaf kids, it is through early intervention that they can be helped best. However I am curious what it is like in other states. I know that I personally will not be living in Kentucky once I graduate, so if I found that there was not this support for students where I decide to move, I would definitely consider this as a career.

Saturday, March 5, 2016

All About Deaf Kids Fair

A big shout out to Kristen Wade, Victoria Terry, Nicole Waugaman, Madeline Moran, Adair Keyton, Cassie Meek and Morgan Hadley for driving to Cincinnati to attend the All About Deaf Kids Fair.  This is the first time I had been to this event so wasn't sure what to expect. It was interesting to see the families who came and the kids interacted.   My mom went with me.  You can see from the picture we enjoyed ourselves!  I didn't get pictures of them - but would love to see any if they took some!

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Topics to discuss this week! (March 2nd)

Hey guys! So unfortunately due to being ill,  I was unable to attend class this week, thus I missed out on our guest speaker! But I learned that the topic of discussion was First Steps and early intervention. My question to you would be, how important do you feel early intervention is for a child who is Deaf or hard of hearing being immersed into public education systems? Do you feel that gaining support and community is a necessity? My mother whom is deaf, was raised in a home where no one in her family signed, (her brother has some basic ASL knowledge) and still to this day no one signs. My mother excels in speech and lip reading but never feels a sense of belonging in her own family beginning as a young girl to a woman who is now in her 40's. Last question, if you had a family member who is deaf and no one knew sign language, how would you try to get the message across of the importance of including Deaf culture into the home? If you feel this is important and if not, feel free to share thoughts on the alternative! Why is it or why not?  (We don't necessarily have to all be vanilla milkshakes here, chocolate or strawberry or banana milkshakes are totally welcome!) ;)

Weekly Discussion Question

One Monday Micah Davis spoke to our class about First Steps and how they offer early intervention services for deaf and hard of hearing children. What did everyone think about this? Did anyone find it interesting and maybe felt as if that should be you career later on in life? Did anyone know already that there were so many deaf children in our area that had no support or early intervention services to get them ready for school? Just put a few comments to some of the above questions, thank you all.