Saturday, March 5, 2016

All About Deaf Kids Fair

A big shout out to Kristen Wade, Victoria Terry, Nicole Waugaman, Madeline Moran, Adair Keyton, Cassie Meek and Morgan Hadley for driving to Cincinnati to attend the All About Deaf Kids Fair.  This is the first time I had been to this event so wasn't sure what to expect. It was interesting to see the families who came and the kids interacted.   My mom went with me.  You can see from the picture we enjoyed ourselves!  I didn't get pictures of them - but would love to see any if they took some!


  1. I wanted to go but I just couldn't work things out. How did it go? What did you all get to do? Was it fun? Anything stand out that was just amazing or surprising?

  2. I wish I could of went to the fair but had other things to get done this past weekend. Looking at all these pictures, seems like the kids and adults had fun there and learning more and more about the deaf culture.

  3. Looks like it was fun! What all did you guys do?

  4. I love this! It looks like everyone had alot of fun! Really wish I could have been there!
